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Girl Scout Troop 222
(Dunedin, Florida)
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Welcome Daisies


This website has been created to help keep the Girl Scouts of Troop 222 informed about their Troops activities and events, and also to help keep their families in touch with Troop happenings. Please log in and check the events calendar from time to time or to find out what we will be doing this year. 

For the safety of the girls, the address to any location of where we may be meeting other than our home location or a scouts name (first or last) will NOT be put on the PUBLIC part of the website.
If you find that there is one, please notify me ASAP.  


We are a group of girls ages 5-7 who love to:


        Our troop enjoys:

  • Adopt a grandparent
  • Attending area Girl Scout events
  • Earn patches for activities
  • Go camping
  • Having family picnics
  • Help in the community
  • Holding troop parties
  • Make arts and crafts  
  • Meet new friends
  • Play games
  • Sell girl scout cookies
  • Taking field trips
  • Visit a fire station or a farm   

    The Girl Scout program can change the way girls
    see the world and their place in it.  Girls learn the importance of personal responsibility, the value of
    goal-setting, the spirit of teamwork, and the thrill of accomplishment.  The program is based on the Girl
    Scout Promise and Law and the three keys to leadership:

             *Discover:Girls understand themselves
               and their values and use their knowledge
               and skills to explore the world.
             *Connect: Girls care about, inspire, and
               team with others locally and globally.             
             *Take Action: Girls act to make the world
               a better place.

    In Girl Scouts, girls discover, connect and take action as they develop life skills for success in the real world.  Through a myriad of enriching experiences, Girl Scouting develops leaders and community trustees.

    You are welcome to join us. Our Troop meetings are twice a month on   
Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8:00 PM  

We look forward to meeting you and your girls and serving you as we develop courage, character, and confidence  by connecting, discovering, and taking action to make the world a better place!

Let’s have fun together!

The Daisy Uniform

What your Daisy Scout will need this year 


Daisy Vest or smock
Iron-on American Flag Patch
Iron-on Daisy Council Identification Set (West Central Florida Council)
Iron-on Daisy Troop Numerals (222)
Daisy Insignia Tab
Daisy Girl Scout Pin
World Tre-foil Pin

All items can be purchased at the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Council Shop located at 5002 W. Lemon St., Tampa, Florida or click here to shop online.


Our troop requires that each Daisy Scout wear the official Daisy smock or vest at all meetings and outings unless otherwise stated. It is to be worn with a white polo, button down shirt, or Girl Scout themed t-shirt and khaki pants, shorts, skort, skirt. Jeans are permissible at troop campouts only. CLOSED TOED shoes are required at all meetings and activities.  Each girl should be neat in appearance and keep her uniform in good condition.

Click here
on where to place insignia on Uniform


Please Note: Troop 222 only uses the Girl Scout Vest.

Official Insignia go on the front of the Vest.
Fun Patches go on the back. 
If there is any questions on patch placement please refer to the above link or contact me.

The Promise and Law



The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
   To serve God and my country,
   To help people at all times
   and to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be:
       honest and fair,
       friendly and helpful,
       considerate and caring,
       courageous and strong, and
       responsible for what I say and do,
and to
       respect myself and others,
       respect authority,
       use resources wisely,
       make the world a better place, and
       be a sister to every Girl Scout. 


 Please practice the Girl Scout Promise with your Daisy as often as possible.  We would like for them to have it memorized so they can earn their Daisy center.


Daisy Petal Meanings

The Petals and their Meanings

I WILL DO MY BEST TO BE (Daisy Blue - The Promise Center)

HONEST AND FAIR (Light Blue Petal) - I will tell the truth, even if it might get my friends or me in trouble. I will stick up for what is right, not for who is popular. I will do my kaper chart chores, because not one should have to do my share. 

FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL (Yellow Petal) - I will do my kapers without having to be told twice. I will offer to help someone, because I appreciated getting help when I need help. I will pay attention to someone's' problem, because I may have an idea that can help. 

CONSIDERATE AND CARING (Spring Green Petal) - I will not scream at, hit, or treat people badly. I will not leave someone out, because I feel sad when I'm left behind. I will not say things to hurt someone's feelings, just because my "friends" think it's fun. 

COURAGEOUS AND STRONG (Red Petal) - I will have the courage to stick to the rules even when it might not seem cool. I will be a friend, even when my friend is not popular. I will try new things, even if I'm afraid, because I know my troop will help me. 

RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT I SAY AND DO (Orange Petal) - I will talk out the problems I have with someone. I will not talk bad about them. If I hurt someone by my actions or words, I will do my best to fix it. I will stay with the troop and always have a buddy without being told. I will accept my punishments without complaining, if I do something I know is wrong. 

RESPECT OTHERS AND MYSELF (Purple Petal) - I will not call names. I will treat other people the way I want to be treated. I will treat other people's stuff the way I want them to treat my stuff. I will listen to other's opinions, and not interrupt. I will not do something I am uncomfortable with, just because a friend wants me to. 

RESPECT AUTHORITY (Magenta Petal) - I will listen to the adults; they are here to help me. I will follow directions and rules; they were made to keep me safe. I will follow the quiet sign; otherwise I might miss something important. 

USE RESOURCES WISELY (Green Petal) - I will try not to waste water when brushing my teeth and showering. I will recycle as often as I can, to help save the earth and replace what I have taken. I will share with others, not only in my troop, but also with all people. 

MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE (Rose Petal) - I will pick up trash when I see it. I will not harm the environment - the air, land, water, and animals. I will not pick on someone for being different. Being different is what makes us special! 

BE A SISTER TO EVERY GIRL SCOUT (Violet Petal) - I will have a great time with my friends. I will try to make every day a great memory for tomorrow.

Some Daisy Songs

These are just a couple that we will learn

              Uniforms All Of Blue

                (Tune: Bicycle Built For Two)

Daisy, Daisy, we are true Girl Scouts too

In our little uniforms all of blue

We sing songs and dance and shout,

We know what Girl Scouting’s all about

We have fun too, we’re sisters to you,

In our uniforms all of blue. 

A Daisy Song

(Tune: Of ABC Song)

Daisy Girl Scouts lead the way, see us work and see us play

We can dance and we can sing, we can do most anything

We have fun and help each day, Daisy Girl Scouts here to stay!

The Circle Closing Song

We have our pins; we’ve sung our song

And we’ll be friends this whole year long.

As Daisy Girl Scouts we will grow

Now from our circle we will go.

New Daisy Song


Here is (insert child’s name)! (Clap once)

Now you hear us shout! (Clap twice

Here is (insert child’s name)! (Clap once)

A new Dai-sy Girl Scout! (Clap twice)