All Cub Scouts start out to achieve Bobcat – you can join scouting anytime from Kindergarten to 5th grade and will start out as a Bobcat; once those brief requirements are completed you will then move directly into the rank associated with your grade
Lion - New Kindergarten
Tiger – 1st grade
Wolf – 2nd grade
Bear – 3rd grade
Weblos – 4th & 5th grade
note for "Boy Scouts" - scouts can join after 5th grade
Location of Den and Pack Meetings: Mohegan School or the Shelton Community Center, and mostly local "Go-See-It’s" as outlined by your Den Leader
Meeting Frequency
*Den Meetings - for Scout and Parent; 1-2x per month - usually the same day/time each month
*Pack Meetings – Scouts, Parents and siblings are also welcome to Pack Meetings; 1x per month on a Friday
*“Go-See-It’s” – all scouts with their Den - usually 1x per month
*Committee Meetings are for all Pack Leadership and all Parents to plan activities; 1x per month on Thursday at the Shelton Community Center

Shelton Cub Scouts doing a community service as part of the Scouting Journey, Pack 28
Article appeared in the Shelton Herald