Service Unit 56's
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Girl Scout Service Unit 56
(Scotch Plains-Fanwood, New Jersey)
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Service Unit Manager Message

I’d like to welcome everyone in the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Girl Scouts community to a fabulous new year of Girl Scouting!

Please visit this website often as we work to make this the go-to location for all things FSPGS. Soon you’ll see our calendar of meetings and events, product sales, deadlines, etc. If you have something you’d like to post, please send it to me. This includes flyers for GS events or activities. (If a girl or troop is running the event, please have a girl send the info to me.)

Some simple, yet important, reminders as we kick off the 2013-2014 year: 

  • Monthly Leader Meetings are where it’s at! Leaders get important info and have the chance to discuss problems and successes with other leaders at the same level -- Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador. Together, you will find better ways to support the girls and each other. Please come to every Leader Mtg or have someone else from your troop attend and report back. You’ll thank me later. This year we will include break-outs for new Daisy leaders and special programs (usually before meetings) such as “Camporee 101” and “Secrets to Completing the End-of-Year Financial Form.” Please let me know if you have ideas for other sessions. 
  • Whenever a girl, adult or troop represents Girl Scouts in public, they must be in GS attire: khaki bottom such as skirt, pants, capris; white top; GS vest or sash (or pin, scarf, etc. for adults). Troops also may wear matching GS T-shirts or sweatshirts. Like any club or team, Girl Scouts are representing not only themselves but a larger organization when they are in public and should be dressed appropriately and cohesively. 
  • Girls are welcome to attend Service Team or Leader Meetings to share info on their projects, activities, fundraisers, award projects, etc. The girls should contact me directly; if it’s via email, I encourage them to copy their leader or parent.
  • In order to sell cookies or nuts, register for dances or participate in events such as fun days or camporee, girls must be registered. Any adult with an official troop function such as treasurer, cookie chair, camper or chaperone to meet required girl: adult ratios also must be registered as a GS Adult [Register] AND a Girl Scout Volunteer [Volunteer].

Thank you for your interest in Fanwood-Scotch Plains Girl Scouts. I look forward to a wonderful year in which we all put the Girl first in Girl Scouting.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Regina Whitmer