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Boy Scout Troop 1076
(Lorton, Virginia)
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Troop 1076 Life-to-Eagle Process

General Information about becoming an Eagle Scout.  Current Troop Life-to-Eagle Coordinator (LtEC) is David Gass (  Please meet with the Troop's Life-to-Eagle Coordinator (LtEC) well in advance of when you want to start your process.  A Scout may petition to become an Eagle Scout but it is not a guarantee.  A Scout must earn this rank in every aspect.  All requirements must be met to the satisfaction of the Scoutmaster, the Committee Chair, and the LtEC at the Troop level and additional requirements must be met at the District and National level.   

If you want to become an Eagle Scout, this process takes some time.  If you think you are ready (and have earned the Life rank) and over 16, then see me at least one year prior to your 18th birthday; otherwise, you may not be able to complete all the requirements in time.  If you are 16 or younger, please see me when you believe you are ready to begin the Trail to Eagle.  Again, if you think you are ready to petition to become a Eagle Scout, then you should be able to manage this process yourself.   Meetings regarding the Life-to-Eagle process are largely between the Scout and the LtEC, not with the parent.  Scouts -- please help your parents understand that since you think you are ready for the rank of Eagle, that this is something you not only need to take ownership of, but want to take ownership of and need to do this on your own. 

Eagle Rank Requirements:

1.  Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least six months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.


     Scoutmaster (or his designee) signs off on this requirement

2. Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List on your Eagle Scout Rank Application the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf, including parents/guardians, religious, educational, and employer references. 


    Scoutmaster (or his designee) signs off on this requirement.  The Life to Eagle Coordinator/Advancement Coordinator will provide a draft Eagle Scout Rank Application to the Eagle Candidate on which to list the persons recommending you for the Eagle Rank.

Related Information.  The Life to Eagle Coordinator will request letters of recommendation from the persons listed.  These letters will be opened and read by the Eagle BOR participants.

3.  Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have), including the following:

a. First Aid

b. Citizenship in the Community

c. Citizenship in the Nation

d. Citizenship in the World

e. Communication

f. Personal Fitness

g. Cooking

h. Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving

i. Environmental Science OR Sustainability

j. Personal Management

k. Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling

l. Camping

m. Family Life

You must choose only one merit badge listed in items g, h, and j. If you have earned more than one of the badges listed in items g, h, and j, choose one and list the remaining badges to make your total of 21.


Advancement Coordinator signs off on this requirement.  The Advancement Coordinator will enter the merit information on the Eagle Scout Rank Application.

4.  While a Life Scout, serve actively in your unit for a period of six months in your unit in one or more of the following positions of responsibility. List only those position served after your Life board of review date.

Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol, Venture patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster, junior assistant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, instructor, Webmaster or Leave No Trace Trainer.

Requirement 5 of the Eagle Requirements:  While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community.  (The project must benefit an organization other than the Boy Scouts of America)

    • The Eagle project can be accomplished prior to the completion of other requirements.  Example: You do not have to finish all of the merit badge requirements before you begin working on your project. 
    • The project proposal must be approved by the Troop Committee, Scoutmaster, District Eagle representative and the beneficiary for whom the work is being performed. 

      Remember, do not begin any of the physical labor, raise any money or obtain any materials until your project proposal has been approved.  

    Before meeting with the Life to Eagle Coordinator to discuss your project
    and develop a Project Proposal
    1. Become familiar with the Eagle process outlined in  -  Eagle Scout Procedures Guide (November 2014) specifically pages 13-39.  See attachment section to download the guide.
    2. Selecting a Project (see Page 20 of the Eagle Scout Procedures Guide)
    3. Download the Eagle Scout Project Workbook - Eagle Service Project Workbook (2014).  This workbook is a "fillable" PDF allowing you to save the information you type in.   Images/Pictures can be uploaded and saved as well.
    4. Complete a draft Project Proposal - see pages 20-25 of the Eagle Scout Procedures Guide and pages of the Eagle Service Project Workbook 
    5. E-Mail electronic copy of the Project Proposal to the LtEC: Mr. David Gass, e-mail:,  Scoutmaster: Mr. James Miller, e-mail: and Committee Chair:  Mr. Morgan Williams, e-mail:  

      After all Eagle Requirements have been completed - Participation (Requirement 1), Scout Spirit (Requirement 2), Merit Badges (Requirement 3), Position of Responsibility (Requirement 4), Eagle Project (Requirement 5)  

     EAGLE SCOUT RANK (Interactive) APPLICATION  The Advancement Coordinator - Mr. David Gass will e-mail you an initial version with some of the key information keyed in.

      Download Link:  Eagle Scout Rank Application (2014).   This must be completely and properly filled out.  The LtEC will work with you to ensure it is completed accurately. 

      Timelines:  There are significant requirements that an Eagle candidate must complete.  Although a Scout may have his Eagle rank Board of Review up to three months past  his 18th birthday (without special approval from District/Council/National), all other requirements must be completed prior to his 18th birthday.  Eagle BORs held from 3 - 6 months past the 18th birthday require local Council pre-approval.  Eagle BORs held 6 months past the 18th birthday require National preapproval.

      • The completion of the Eagle requirements must be confirmed and verified by the LtEC prior to the scheduling of an EBOR.  Prior to scheduling an EBOR, the Troop must have received at least 3 of the letters of recommendation from the (up to) 6 references listed on the Scout's Eagle application.  Remember that there are several people involved who have busy schedules. so please don't expect to be able to rush this process -- the Scout should make himself available to these representatives and work around their schedules.
      Eagle Board of Review (EBOR).  The Eagle BOR is like other BORs in that the Committee Chair or Advancement Coordinator schedules it and it is held at the Unit level. What is different is that the Eagle BOR must have a District representative present.  Colonial District has granted our unit the responsibility for conducting EBORs with Troop 1076 Committee members. 

      Interested in becoming an Eagle Scout?  Meet with the Troop's LtEC sooner rather than later!  If you are coming up on your 18th birthday, you should meet with the LtEC no less than one year prior to that birthday so your schedule can be worked out.  Do not leave this until the last month or so. Though the Troop will try to support you, this process can take some time and there have been cases of boys running out of time and missing out on this opportunity due to their lack of planning.  Many times, the requirement they need that takes more time then they have is the Position of Responsibility requirement.  So, make sure you are prepared and have your requirements done well in advance of your 18th birthday!
      Icon File Name Comment  
      Eagle_Scout_Procedures_Guide-VNov2014.pdf NCAC Eagle Scout Procedures Guide -