Troop 418's
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Boy Scout Troop 418
(Roanoke, Virginia)
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We Will Be Prepared

The Scouts and leaders of Troop 418 are dedicated to elevating the scouting experience and to ensure the Scouts of tomorrow are excited and prepared for the trail ahead; to hold-fast the traditions of our troop and to find new and exciting outdoor adventures for the Scouts while providing a safe environment for them to experience all that Scouting has to offer.
Scouting is a game for boys under the leadership of boys under the direction of a man.
Quote from Lord Baden-Powell.

A Scout Master Welcome

As Scout Master of Troop 418, I would like to welcome you to our website and to invite you and your son to join us here at Troop 418 for a visit. Our Troop is a boy led troop, each patrol has a Patrol Leader and an Ast. Patrol Leader, and once a month they meet with the Senior Patrol Leader and Ast. Senior Patrol Leader to put together a plan of action for the Troop. The adult leaders of the Troop provide guidance to the patrol leaders and assist in the outdoor skill training of scouts. Ultimately as adult leaders it is our responsibility to provide a safe environment for the scouts and to ensure we are following BSA policies.

This is a very close knit group of boys who enjoy the scouting experience, service to others and outdoor adventure, If you are interested in learning what it means to be a Boy Scout, give us a call, drop an email or just come on by, we would love to meet you.