Ship 550's
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Sea Scouts Ship 550
(Sacramento, California)
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Join Sea Scout Ship 2017

Interested in . . .

  • learning to sail?
  • operating a powerboat?
  • cruising the River?
  • racing a cardboard boat?
  • white water rafting? 
  • camping? 

Why Join Sea Scouts?

  • Earn your California boating license.
  • Learn safe boating skills.
  • Participate in fun, safe activities on, in, and around the water.
  • Continue your Boy Scout advancement.
  • Have a voice in activity decisions.
  • Build your resume for college or military.

Who can Join?

To join, you must be 13 years of age and have graduated from the eighth grade, or be 14 regardless of grade. You can stay in Sea Scouting until you are 21 years of age. If you are under 18 years old, a parent/guardian must sign your application. 

Paperwork for New Members


When new members pay their initiation fee, they get a Sea Scout Manual, Ship 2017 T-shirt, and a a set of loose leaf pages for your Member Handbook.

Advancement Handbook

New members should invest in a 1-1/2 inch 3-ring binder for holding their Sea Scout Manaul and the various forms used for advancement.  Be sure to label your notebook with your name, ship, and phone number.

Annual Medical Forms

Be sure to submit completed health forms to the Skipper as soon as possible.  Parts A and B should be submitted with your membership application.  Part C requires a medical examination by your doctor.  Be sure to submit that form before going on over night sailing activities.