Troop 449's
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Welcome Brochure

Boy Scout Troop 449
(Overland Park, Kansas)
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Dirt Chicken Campout

Calling all Webelos!

Troop 449 Dirt Chicken Campout

My name is Doug Deppen and I am the Scoutmaster for Troop 449 in southern Overland Park. The boys of Troop 449 have asked me to invite all Webelos (1’s and 2’s) to attend their September campout at Blue and Gray Park on September 28th. This is our annual recruiting event and all Webelos 2’s are invited to spend the night (with a parent present) if they wish.

This event is intended to showcase the camping style of Troop 449 along with the Scouts leadership abilities and philosophies. There will be many activities that teach Scout skills and others that are designed to be purely fun. The boys will be teaching compass reading and Geo-caching, a short hike to identify plants and animal signs is planned, fire building will be taught, as well as other Scout skills.

The boys will also have a water balloon sling-shot, a trebuchet to throw pumpkins, and other fun activities.

The highlight of the day will be an evening meal of “Dirt Chicken” followed by a camp fire with Scout entertainment.

At this annual event, the Troop cooks their meal in a “dirt” oven dug in the ground and fueled by a wood fire. In the past we have also cooked turkeys and pork loin.  In addition to the main course we will be having baked potatoes, vegetables, bread, pineapple upside down cake and/or cinnamon apples for dessert.  Our home-made root beer and hand-turned ice-cream will top off the dinner.  A chili lunch will be served as part of this event and Sunday breakfast along with a mini church service will follow for those that choose to camp overnight.  The event is free to Webelos and their families.

The Scouts request that anyone wishing to attend RSVP so they can provide the proper amount of food and fun no later than September 21st.

Please pass this invitation along to your Webelos leaders and let me know if anyone has any questions. Directions and a complete itinerary will be provided to anyone who wishes to attend.


Doug Deppen

Scoutmaster Troop 449


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Dirt Chicken Flyer 2013.doc  

Welcome Brochure

Welcome to Troop 449



Troop 449 is a backpacking troop.  We will park and backpack a few miles in to the campsite.  The troop typically meets at a Wal-Mart parking lot and then carpools from there to the campsite on a monthly basis.  Summer camp this year will be held at Many Point ( and will be July 12th to July 21st, 2013.  The approximate cost will be approximately $450.00 per youth camper (depending upon side trips and fuel costs) and $100.00 per adult participant.


Weekly Meeting Location:

Lakewood Middle School, 6601 Edgewater Drive, Overland Park, KS 66283.  We typically meet on Mondays at 7 PM in the commons / lunch-room.  We meet on every Monday that is also a school day.  During the summer we meet at Ironwoods Park, 14701 Mission Road, Leawood, KS.

Schedule and news:

The troop keeps their meeting, camping, and fundraising schedule and meeting notes online at (  Access to the website is granted by the Committee Chair upon receipt of a completed application and payment of dues.



The troop has an agreement with the Overland Park Convention Center to provide coat-check services at approximately 10 events each winter.  Scouts and parents sign up to work the various coat check events.  All of the proceeds are pooled and then divided amongst the scouts camp accounts based upon the number of hours that they worked that season with a portion held back for the troop’s general operating fund.


Contact Information:

  • Doug Deppen    Scoutmaster                      cell: 913-488-7490  
  • Kelly Davis           Assistant Scoutmaster   cell: 913-488-8074  
  • Wayne Floyd      Committee Chair              cell: 913-568-1282  
  • Dan Ryan             Assistant Scoutmaster   cell: 913-526-9852  

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