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Boy Scout Troop 38
(Newark, New Jersey)
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Boy Scout Skits

Light Bulb


Many people take their shovels and pretend to work hard digging. But one of them just stands still with his arm raised. Later, a boss comes, and says to the idle man, "Why aren't you working?" The man says, "I'm a light bulb!" The boss leaves and returns later, only to see the man still standing still. The boss again asks, "Why aren't you working?" "I'm a light bulb!" he says. The boss replies, "If you don't start working I'll fire you!" The boss comes back later to see the same thing. "You're fired!" he yells. The man walks away. Everyone else drops their shovels and follows him. When the boss asks why they are leaving, they say, "We can't work in the dark!"

The Enlarging Machine


Start out the skit as the mad inventor introduce himself and what his invention is. Have the scouts with the items walk by one at a time and ask if the can enlarge their items. The doctor will go to the side of the machine where the items will come out. Have the scouts throw their objects into the machine one at a time. HAve a scout inside the machine(behind the tarp) throw out he large version of the object. Once the last object goes in and is being enlarged, have the last scout walk by not knowing what the machine is and spit into it. The scout behind the tarp throws the bucket of water on to the scientist, and he becomes drenched.


For this skit you will need a large tarp, a small stick, a large log, a small rock, a large rock, a bucket of water, and anything else you would like to add if you have a large and a small version of the item.


Hang the tarp in the middle of the area where you will be performing the skit.(Best if two scouts hold it up.) Place all large versions of the items you will be enlarging behind the tarp so nobody can see them, including the bucket of water. Have members of your troop or patrol each have one of the small items in there hands, save one scout without anything in his hand. One other scout will be the evil inventor of the enlarging machine.

Frog Pond


Group 1 chants "Tomatoes" over & over again, real slow but loud enough to hear.
Group 2 chants "Hot potatoes" over & over again real fast, (loud enuff to hear)
Group 3 is told to chant "SO DEEP" in deep bass voice when they hear the Cubmaster (Scoutmaster) ask "How deep is the water?"
They all keep this up for awhile and the Cubmaster then says:
"Ah, I love the sound of a Frog Pond."


Large group of people broken up into 3 groups. Works great at evening campfire. When all three sounds are made, it sounds like a frog pond.




Characters: Director, First Mate, Captain, Camera Man, and Narrator.

Narrator: We are filming the last scene of our motion picture, "Titanic". (Introduce Characters) Lets watch and see what happens.

Scene One

(Scene starts with Director explaining the scene to the First Mate.)

Director: I want you to rush in and say, "Captain, three times."

First Mate: Okay

Director: Action.

First Mate: (While rushing in.) Captain, three times.

Director: Cut. Cut. No, no. Say, "Captain, captain, captain." Not, "Captain three times." When the captain answers, you will say, "We're sinking."

First Mate: Okay, got it.

Director: Action.

First Mate: (While rushing in.) Captain, captain, captain.

Captain: Yes.

First Mate: We're stinking!

Director: Cut, no, no. Not "we're stinking" it's "we're sinking!" Then the captain will ask you how fast we're going and you will answer, "Twenty nautical miles."
First Mate: Oh, Okay, I understand.

Director: Action!

First Mate: (While rushing in.) Captain, captain, captain.

Captain: Yes.

First Mate: We're sinking!

Captain: How fast were we going?

First Mate: Twenty naughty flies!

Director: Cut, Cut. It's "Twenty nautical miles." Got it? After that he will ask you what we hit and you will say, "An Iceberg."

First Mate: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Director: Action.

First Mate: (While rushing in.) Captain, captain, captain.

Captain: Yes.

First Mate: We're sinking!

Captain: How fast were we going?

First Mate: Twenty nautical miles.

Captain: What did we hit?

First Mate: An ice cube!

Director: Cut, cut. You're supposed to say, "an iceberg." And then he will ask you what direction we're going, and you're going to say, "North by Northeast."

First Mate: Okay, got it.

Director: Action!

First Mate: (While rushing in) Captain, captain, captain.

Captain: Yes.

First Mate: We're sinking!

Captain: How fast were we going?

First Mate: Twenty nautical miles.

Captain: What did we hit?

First Mate: An iceberg!

Captain: What direction are we going?

First Mate: Down!

The End

Invisible Bench


Scout1 is on the invisible bench already
SCOUT 2: (walks up to to SCOUT 1)What ya doin'?
SCOUT 1: Siting on this here invisible bench.
SCOUT 2: Can I join ya?
SCOUT 1: Sure!
Repeat until all but one of the scouts are sitting on the invisable bench.
SCOUT **:what are you doing?
SCOUT 1: sitting on this invisible bench.
SCOUT **: How can you? I moved it over there yesterday! (pointing somewhere else.)
All the couts sitting fall down.


4 or more scouts/people


One person apering to sit on someting invisible.