Pack 202's
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Event Flyers
Volunteers Needed
Pinewood Derby

Cub Scout Pack 202
(Gainesville, Florida)
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Volunteers Needed

At the pack level, cub scouts is a 100% parent-run-organization.  We have many vacant positions on our committee and we need parent volunteers to help run our pack events.  The level of time commitment varies depending on the position and the more volunteers we have, the more we can share the workload.  Also, the more parent volunteers we have, the more rich and rewarding our program will be for our scouts and ourselves.  More volunteers means more badges, more events, more activities at the events and more fun for all!

Open Committee Positions

The committee meets once a month to plan and prepare pack events and assists at the events as needed.  Otherwise, we communicate via email on a weekly basis.  Everyone of us has busy schedules and we understand that no one can do everything 100% of the time. 

So please read the list below and consider volunteering.  We will provide all of the training and needed support.  Any amount of help is greatly appreciated.

Here is a list of open positions:

Committee Secretary:  Job duties include creating the monthly committee meeting agenda (with assistance from the chairperson), taking notes at the meeting, and sending the minutes to the rest of the group.  We have talked about having a monthly newsletter.  If interested, this position would create that as well.  This is a pretty straightforward job.  If you have decent communication and organization skills, then this is the job for you!

Committee Fundraising Chair:  Job duties include organizing the pack fundraising activities.  Every year, we sell popcorn (this event is already past), have a pack yard sale (January) and sell camp cards (March).  We need someone to organize these events and help our pack raise the money we need to operate.  This position gets all the fun nicknames: Popcorn Kernel, Garage Sale Guru, Camp Card Commander.  So if you are creative, energetic and like goofy titles, then this is the job for you!  We can split this position into three if we only have volunteers for one event.

Committee Camping Chair:  Job duties include organizing the pack camp outs.   We have at least three a year: Possum Creek, Frog Jog and Buc Tuocs.  We would like to organize a pack event.  In years past, we Slept with the Fishes at the Tampa Aquarium and camped out at Kennedy Space Center.  This year, we have talked out camping at a nearby state park, but we need someone to help organize this event.

Committee Advancement Chair:  This position is responsible for making sure den leaders are entering their advancements, running a monthly report of badges and belt loops that are needed and distributing awards at the pack meetings.  Super simple but super important job.

Committee Co-Chair:  This position will assist the chair in all job duties.  This is Sarah's last year as Committee Chair so it is vitally important that someone learns the ropes while she's still around!

Event and Activites Volunteer Opportunities

If you are not ready to commit to a committee position, but would like to help, please consider volunteering to help run for AT LEAST one of our pack events/activities.

Below is a list of these opportunities.  Check the Pack Calendar to see when these events take place.

Popcorn:  We need volunteers to run popcorn booths and assist with distribution. Every scout is expected to volunteer for at least one booth.  Please consider volunteering to run the booth your son will be working.  You would be in charge of set up, breakdown, and the cash box.  All materials are provided.

Campouts:  We need volunteers to help the pack prepare for district campouts (Possum Creek, Frog Jog and Buc Tuocs).  We would LIKE to have an end of the year campout just for our pack BUT we can only do this if we have parents volunteer to organize this event.

Pack Yard Sale:  Every year we hold a Pack yard sale.  All proceeds go towards paying the recharter fee for all our scouts.  We need volunteers to organize and work this sale.  The goal of this sale is to pay 100% of our membership fees.

Camp Cards:  Camp Cards is another fundraising event.  Much like popcorn, we need adult volunteers to help run booth and organize the sale.

Pinewood Derby:  Have you seen our pinewood derby track?  It is AWESOME.  The pinewood derby is AWESOME.  It is our most popular event.  We need volunteers to make sure it is a success!

Pack Photographer:  Job duties include taking pics at all pack events and sending them to the group.  Maybe having an instagram account for the pack or something along those lines.  We have also talked about having a yearbook.  If you like to take pictures (and not just of your kids please ;)) and can attend most of our events, then this is the job for you.

Blue and Gold:  The Blue and Gold ceremony is the end of year event where scouts earn their rank badges.  We need volunteers to organize and plan for this event.