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Cub Scout Pack 571
(Lilburn, Georgia)
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One way that Cub Scouts pay for fun activities is through fundraisers. The Girl Scouts have their cookies, but Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts sell popcorn. Below is some information on how you can sell popcorn effectively.

There are several ways to meet your sales goal:

1. Take Order ~ take the customers orders on the order sheet and collect the money.  You’ll deliver the popcorn later.

2. Online Sales ~ log into Trail’s End to get started.  (Sales count toward pack commission, and prizes are available.) Popcorn gets shipped direct to customer.

5. New Mobile Apps~ use your Android or Apple device to take orders.  Trail’s End will ship popcorn directly to customer.

Head to the Council Website for more great info!

Important Dates:

Wednesday, October 28th, ALL FORMS COLLECTED!!!  I (the Cubmaster) will set up at the church to take everyone’s orders (times will be given out later). Please come prepared. We will be taking your order forms, and we will return them with popcorn on the pick-up date.  Please have all checks made out to B.S.A. This takes a few minutes. We ask for your patience. Forms not turned in will not be added to the order, which will be placed the following Sunday, November 1.

TBD ~ Popcorn for the Orders will be ready for pickup at the meeting that night.  Scouts will deliver the popcorn from their order sheets.

Trail’s End Prizes:

See the prize brochure with your order form to see all the great prize opportunities!

Popcorn Selling Tips

Asking is the key to selling!

Target Your Customers - Add up all the easy prospects you can think of starting with the "Perfect 10": 

___ 10 Sales to Family Friends, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, neighborhood parties, etc. ___ 10 Sales to your mom's friends at work, clubs, youth groups, teams, etc. Challenge your parents to each make 10 sales! 
___ 10 Sales to your dad's friends at work, clubs, youth groups, teams, etc. 
___ 10 Sales to closest neighbors. 

That's your first 40 sales! At an average of $20 each, that is your first $800 in less than a week.

 ___ Hair salon, insurance office, bank, etc. You give them your business. 3 -10 sales? 
___ Friends at your religious institution: 3 - 5 Sales? 
___ Everyone you have sold anything to in the past. Did you keep their names and numbers? 
___ The next 25 neighbors in each direction. (60% should buy!) 
___Ask everywhere you go – soccer, football, family events 

That's 40 to 100+ easy sales! At $20 each, that's $800 to $2,000 in sales!

Target Your Times "Sell early, sell often." 

- Start selling as soon as you can, Saturday morning is often the best time. Saturday afternoon is next best. Sunday afternoon is very good. Sunday evening is good. Weekday evenings after 5:30 can be good as well.
  • ALWAYS wear your uniform if you have one. Everyone loves to support a Scout in uniform.
  • ALWAYS sell in pairs accompanied by an adult.
  • NEVER sell after dark.
  • ALWAYS act like a Scout and be polite and courteous. Wear a smile and introduce yourself.
  • ALWAYS walk on the sidewalk and driveway – NOT through the yard. Watch for traffic.
  • Do not carry large sums of money with you.
  • NEVER enter anyone’s house.
  • Remember to always have 2 ink pens with you.
  • Keep your Take Order Form as neat as possible. Be careful with it – this is your only record.
  • Statistics show 2 out of 3 do buy Trail’s End Popcorn when asked. The average transaction is almost $20.
  • Make sure you know all of the different types of Trail’s End products that you are selling.
  • Tell the people what the money goes for.
  • Be sure to say Thank You to everyone who makes a purchase and even if they say “Not Today”. If they do say no, ask for a small donation towards the military. They don't have to give a full donation, as you can add these up if you get several people to donate.
  • Make sure you know the date when you will be delivering the popcorn to your customers.
  • Not every one you ask will buy so do not get discouraged. Say Thank You anyway.
  • The more people you ask, the more people will buy.
  • Ask your parents to help you sell popcorn at their workplace. Better yet, ask them if you can go to their work and sell.
  • Make sure you say “Thank You” when you deliver the popcorn.
  • Write a thank you note and put a copy of it on all the popcorn you deliver to let everyone know how much you appreciate their support.
  • Remind your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and neighbors what a great gift Trail’s End popcorn makes for teachers, co-workers, friends, etc.
  • Remind people how quickly the popcorn runs out and to buy enough to last them.
  • Keep a copy of your Take Order Forms so that you can call on these people again next year. People will remember how polite and courteous you were, the nice note they received and the popcorn that they did not buy enough of.

Customer Objections 

1. We can't eat popcorn. Would you like to "Support the Troops" and send popcorn to soldiers overseas? How about as gifts for others? I also have pretzels for sale.

2. We already bought. Can I practice my sales pitch with you anyway? (Many will still buy again!) 

3. That seems too expensive. Tell them what you do. Show them your patches! 2/3's of the money helps local Scouts. 
4. I don't have any money. No problem. You can pay by check now and it will not be deposited until ___. 
5. Not home. Leave your "Sorry I Missed You" note.

Online Sales

Online Sales are used as a supplement to the Take Order Sale and should not replace the Door to Door Experience.

Online is the best way to sell to friends and family who live out of town. Scouts can send emails to customers asking them to purchase Trail's End products online. Customers click on the link in the Scout’s email and can begin shopping right away. They order products online and pay with a credit card, and Trail's End ships the products directly to customers. If you need help setting up your account, see the files section below.

1. Scouts can reach customers who they otherwise would not be able to sell to.
2. No product delivery or money collection.
3. The average consumer order online is $50 (excluding shipping and handling).
4. Ability to sell popcorn year-round and reach friends and family who live far away.
5. Online sales count towards Scout Rewards.
6. The unit earns 35% commission on all Online Sales.
Scouts ScoutsScoutsScouts
Scouts create their own account to sell online:
1. Go to
2. Click on the word SCOUTS (in Red) in the top right corner
3. Click Create an Account
4. Click Scout
5. Enter Date of Birth
6. Complete all information requested
7. Choose Northeast Georgia Council, your District and your Unit
If the Scout is under age, the parent will receive an email. The parent must click on the
Activate Account button and Approve the account
8. You will then be taken to a Log On Screen – Log In
9. After you log on, you will arrive at a screen (Spread the Word)
where you can send emails, manage your Online Sales, and get
selling tips
10. Go to the Orders page to view your orders
11. Trail’s End ships the product directly to your customers

If you encounter questions or problems with the Popcorn System or the Online Sales System:

Go to and choose Resources – it is not necessary to log-in. Follow the instructions and you are able to send an email with any question.

Mobile Popcorn

With the Trail’s End mobile app, Scouts can sell Trail’s End products anytime, anywhere!   70% of each sale goes to local scouting, and Trail’s End ships the product directly to customers. Scouts can simply download the app to their mobile device and sign in with their Scout account.

Within the app, Scouts can take orders, track their sales and redeem Gift Cards on Demand. Products available within the app matchthe product listing on These apps are 100% COPPA (Child OnlinePrivacy Protection Act) compliant and 100% PCI (Payment Card Industry)compliant.

Scouts and/or adults can download the app to their phone through the Android or Apple online stores.

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