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Boy Scout Troop 287
(Greencastle, Pennsylvania)
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At Greencastle Otterbein United Brethren In Christ Church, our purpose is to be

"A Church That C.A.R.E.S."

Connecting people with the one true God

Affirming each person in love

Reaching non-believers for Jesus Christ

Equipping followers for ministry

Sending servants into the world

Connecting with the one true God involves worship. We want to provide meaningful worship experiences where you will sense God's presence and hear God speaking to you as His Word is preached. We seek to help you understand that worship isn't just a thing we do once a week, it's a lifestyle that begins with a true fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Affirming each person in love involves fellowship. We want to see you deeply connect with other believers in this church family. You cannot "do" this Christian live without other believers. You need them to support you, encourage you, pray for you, and strengthen your faith as you walk through the situations life throws your way.

Reaching non-believers for Jesus Christ involves evangelism. Jesus commanded us to "go" and make disciples. It is our desire to search for those who do not have a true relationship with Jesus and show them how Jesus makes a difference in our lives. As we do this, our goal is to clearly comunicate the message of the gospel to them.

Equipping followers for ministry involves discipleship. Entering a relationship with Jesus is not an end, in fact, it's a beginning like no other! Part of our journey of faith involves being trained in how to apply Biblical truth, how to live in victory and joy, how to use our gifts for ministry, how to effectively share the gospel with our peers, and how to defend the Christian faith in this ungodly world.

Sending servants to the world involves multiplication. We desire to see God raise up leaders that He can use to advance His kingdom. It may be to minister to those in your family and work places. Or perhaps God has something else in mind, such as serving or leading within our church, or even going to another place to minister to a different people group. Each of these is just as important as the others, and God has a plan for you to be a minister in our world.