Pack 540's
Home Page
What is ScoutTrack
Rocket Academy
Cub Haunted
Forms & Resources

Cub Scout Pack 540
(Calera, Alabama)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login is an online service the pack, dens, and parents use to record the Cub Scout adventures. 

Cub Scouts have the opportunity to earn both required and elective recognition devices as they work toward their ranks. They also can earn recognition for additional elective adventures they choose to complete beyond those required for their rank. Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts earn adventure loops to be worn on their belt, and Webelos Scouts earn pins they can wear on their Webelos colors or Webelos cap.

Adventure loops and pins are a great way to help fulfill the aims of Scouting—build character, develop citizenship, and encourage mental and physical fitness. Through a variety of subjects, you can stretch your mind and abilities by exploring the wonders of science, learning about the world, and expanding skills in new area.

This is a chance to try something new, do your best, and earn recognition all at the same time. For more information about the adventure loops and pins, see

How to use ScoutTrack

Parents: ScoutTrack is not just for Den Leaders:  At home, you are Akela and therefore you are encouraged and authorized to use ScoutTrack to record your son's adventures.

  • presents all the adventures and badges that Scouts can work on in a format that is simple and easy to use.  Parents and scouts gain a better understanding of the available activities and what it takes to earn badges, belt-loops, pins, and other awards - thus empowering them to complete more at home.
  • also includes a Pack and Den Directory, making it easy to access names, phone numbers and email addresses of anyone in your Pack.
  • ScoutTrack serves as a central directory for many of the forms and information parents typically need.  These are found by clicking on the BULLETIN tab on the HOME page.

Important Note:  In order for your scout to be recognized for any achievement earned, all completed requirements forthe month must be entered in no later than the Wednesday prior to the nextPack Meeting.