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Cub Scout Pack 4031
(Bayamon, Puerto Rico)
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Cub Scout Monthly Themes for 2009-2010

August Fun in the Sun NaturalistForester

Let's go outside and have fun in the sun. Plan some outdoor activities this month that will encourage dens to meet and make preparations together for your pack event. It's a great time for a pack picnic, with each den planning a game or activity. Have a Cubanapolis derby with dens preparing their vehicle and practicing maneuvers during den meetings. Stress good sportsmanship and team building during the planning stages, as well as during the actual event. Create kites in your dens and have a kite flying derby or a family picnic to show off your creations! This might be a great month to work on the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award or a Cub Scout Sports belt loop or pin.

September Cub Scout Pockets CommunicatorCitizen

What can possibly be in a Cub Scout's pocket? What is in a boy's pocket can tell a lot about who he is and what he likes. The boys can share and show off their collections and maybe even start a new one! Put some marbles in the boy's pockets and teach him how to play the game of marbles. Pick an interest of the boys and go on a field trip to explore and learn about it. Maybe a trip to a rock quarry in search of fossils, or a nature hike around the den meeting site to pick up items. This is also a great month to educate the boys on what can go on their uniform and then make some goals to accomplish their rank advancement, special awards, belt loops and pins, and involvement in camps and council events. This might be a good month to work on the Collecting or Marbles belt loop and pin.

October Jungle Safari ShowmanCitizen

Help boys discover fun and adventure in the wilds of Scouting. Take them on a month-long safari. Learn why Africa is special to our founder Lord Baden-Powell. Find out how the Jungle Book story connects to Scouting. Use it and its characters to highlight den meeting games, crafts, and costumes for the pack meeting. Learn about the things you need if you are going on a safari and how would you survive. What do Scouts in Africa do? What are their uniforms like? Take a den trip to a local zoo, animal rescue facility, or wildlife refuge. Work on the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award or the Wildlife Conservation Academic belt loop and pin.


November Scout Salute CraftsmanScientist

This month Cub Scouts salute those heroes who help keep us safe and secure each and every day. Can only adults be heroes? Heroes are often ordinary kids who did something out of the ordinary! A den can decide what makes a hero and who the heroes of tomorrow might be by looking at people they know today. Learn about heroes in your own community, as well as Scouting heroes who have earned BSA heroism awards. Have your Cub Scouts invite their hometown heroes to a den or pack meeting. Perhaps your den can become "silent heroes" by performing service for others without seeking any recognition. Visit a fire station, veteran's hospital (Veterans Day is this month), police station, or teacher's classroom and learn about their heroic deeds and reciprocate with a "Scout salute" for their contributions. You might work on the Citizenship belt loop and pin.

December Works of Art CraftsmanScientist

December is a time of celebration and giving. This is a perfect month for involving friends in doing good deeds and creating holiday magic through art. Cub Scouts use their artistic abilities to create holiday decorations, gifts, or cards. This artwork might be put on display in nursing homes, in churches, schools, or homes, and at the pack meeting or at a meeting of the chartered organization. Boys can make cards and ornaments and share them with residents of a local nursing or retirement home, children's hospital, or community center and do a "Good Turn for America." Boys can discover different forms of art, write poems, attend a musical or performing art show, or visit a local art museum. Works of art can become gifts for family members. The Academic belt loop or pin in Art or Music could be worked on in conjunction with these projects.

January Power Up

Boys explore the science of energy through solar, electrical, and wind power and how this energy is used in their everyday lives. They can explore different ways to conserve energy and protect the world we live in. Work on the Science or Weather belt loop and pin. Boys can invite friends to join in the pinewood derby and discover the power behind those little cars. What types of things are powered up by the flip of a switch? A field trip to the local water works or power plant might be part of the den's monthly plan. Finish up the month with a real power-packed pack meeting. The boys can power up by being physically fit and working on the Physical Fitness belt loop and pin


February Happy Birthday, B.S.A.

It's time to celebrate with a big birthday bash. Boy Scouts of America is 100 years old this year. Learn the history of how Scouting came to the United States. Find out about those who have given us this great Scouting legacy such as Daniel Carter Beard, James E. West, Ernest Thompson Seton, Waite Phillips, and W. D. Boyce. Let's play birthday games, make party decorations, and have birthday cake for our blue and gold banquet. 

March Take Flight

The Wright brothers had a lot of courage to accomplish their dream to fly. Air has power to push and pull objects so that they can fly. This month learn all about air, what it consists of, and why it is needed to fly. Learn about gravity. Make your own flying machines as you hear about the Wright Brothers and their invention. Explore different types of paper airplanes. Figure out which ones fly farther, higher, faster, longer, and why? Hold a pack-wide paper plane derby fun night! How many things can you name that can fly? Study birds and their flyways. Why do some fly in a V formation? Take flight outdoors with a den or pack kite derby this month and enjoy that air! Take a field trip to the airport, hobby shop, or a science museum. Earn the Science belt loop and pin

April Spring Into Action

This month is a good time to spring into action with outdoor activities such as hikes, sports and games, cleaning up litter along ponds, parks or roadsides, or planting some trees for improved habitat. Make plaster casts of the animal tracks you find on your hike. Visit and talk with someone who works with wildlife conservation and visit a fish hatchery, zoo, animal shelter, or wildlife sanctuary. Bring along food and supplies that they might need as part of your "Good Turn for America." Build bird houses, bird baths, feeding stations, or boxes for nesting materials. Do a community service project with your chartered organization to show your positive attitude in doing your best. This would be a good month to work on the Wildlife Conservation belt loop and pin

May In the Spotlight

It's time to perform and be in the spotlight! This month spend some time making musical instruments to be used in the pack meeting variety show. The variety show could be skits, songs, puppet shows, magic trick - you name it. Have the boys and their parents and families participate in a variety show and have some adults record the show. Dens can create posters announcing the show and make programs to let everyone know what's coming. Commercials could be videotaped by the den during their den meetings and then be shown between acts. (Get the parents involved) Take a photo for the local newspaper or a video clip for the local TV station for recognition of their achievements and put Cub Scouting in the spotlight. Visit a television, radio, or cable station to see how they prepare and produce their shows. Attend a play or musical production. The Cub Scouts can earn the Music belt loop and pin