Troop 53's
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Boy Scout Troop 53
(El Paso, Texas)
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Just like many programs scouting has several ranks the first being Scout and the highest being Eagle Scout. In order to advance in scouting scouts must preform, demonstrate, or discuss requirements to a leader or a scout that is 1st class or above. Although Eagle may be the highest rank in scouting it doesn't stop there scouts who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout have the ability to earn palms through being active in the troop for 6 months and earning merit badges. 

         The easiest way to track your scout’s advancements is through his most handy tool in scouting his Scout Book and by asking for his scout record from the Advancement Chair, Mrs. Garbo. In most Scout books the advancements are usually found in the back of the book as well as their camping log and service log. We ask that you always send your scout with his book to most events such as meetings and campouts. Advancements is held at Mrs. Garbo's house on Tuesdays where the boys are able to work and be helped with their merit badges and rank advancements, all though going is not mandatory it is highly recommended for a faster path to Eagle since their is always someone to help.

         Camping and cooking are several requirements that must be done in Tenderfoot - First Class ranks and is a great way for your son to have fun and learn what scouting is all about. We work on advancements while camping such as cooking, hiking, orienteering, and teaching scouts how to survive in case something is to happen. Another great thing about camping is it opens door into the national honor society in Boy Scouts the Order of the Arrow a program in which non members and members under the age of 21 vote scouts who are 1st class and above, have 15 days of nights of camping which include one week of summer camp, and demonstrate scout spirit.The Order of the Arrow focuses on brotherhood and cheerful service and elections are held in march.