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Boy Scout Troop 2175
(Tok, Alaska)
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Winter Camping CheckList   Troop 75    

Clothing to be worn:

Prepare and dress for common temperatures of -15 to -40

[  ] Long Underwear. Marino wool blends or Synthetics. NEVER cotton                          

[  ] Heavy sweater or pullover made of wool or polar type fleece

[  ] Wool Pants or polar type fleece

[  ] Snow pants / bibs. Heavy insulated wind and moisture resistant

[  ] Hat (warm and weather resistant)

[  ] Socks (inner layer) thin synthetic

[  ] Socks (outer layer) heavy wool, smart wool, wool blend

[  ] Mittens and / or gloves (heavy insulation)

[  ] Wool scarf (a warm neck is important) or ski mask

[  ] Heavy winter coat or parka (preferably with a hood)

[  ] Winter boots (Bata bunny boots or Sorel type)

Gear to be packed:

[  ] Backpack (Fitted and adjusted to your body)

[  ] Duffle type bag (in place of backpack) weather resistant!

[  ] Sleeping bag with stuff sack (rated for -20 at least)  

[  ] Closed cell foam sleep pad

[  ] Therma-rest type pad (lies on top of closed cell foam)

[  ] Ground cloth (6x8 tarp works well under sleep pad or under tent)

[  ] Camp gloves (leather is good for use around campfire and cooking)

[  ] Extra pair of long underwear (NO cotton)

[  ] Extra socks (inner layer) thin synthetic 

[  ] Wool socks (pack two extra pair minimum) 

[  ] Extra pants and shirt (try to avoid cotton)

[  ] Extra felt liner (if using sorel type boots)

[  ] Knit stocking hat for sleeping (wool or poly blend)

[  ] Two kitchen trash bags (put your boots in one at night then in or under your sleeping bag)

[  ] Personal mess kit

[  ] Water bottle (leak proof)

[  ] Steel insulated cup (nice to have around camp)

[  ] Toilet kit (tooth brush, washcloth, soap, partial roll of TP) in ziplock bag

[  ] Personal first aid kit (2nd class requirement)

[  ] Compass (always keep away from metal, protect from -30 or colder)

[  ] Small sled to drag gear to campsite (keep bottom ice free for easy sliding)

[  ] Small snow shovel

[  ] 50’ of 550 Para-cord or similar

[  ] Boy Scout handbook / merit badge books as needed for advancement

[  ] Carried on you, flashlight, extra batteries, pocketknife, weather proof matches

[  ] Watch (mandatory for all leaders)

[  ] Optional: headlamp, chapstick, tinted goggles, hatchet, gaiters, bag liner, solid fuel hand warmer