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Boy Scout Troop 324
(La Mesa, California)
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Troop 324 expects reasonable behavior in accord with the Scout Promise and Law. The Scoutmaster will counsel with any scout whose behavior is disruptive. If counseling fails, the Scoutmaster may dismiss the scout from the activity and notify the parents of the problem. If the scout continues to create behavior problems, the Scoutmaster may suspend him.


Discipline needs to be a positive rather than negative whenever possible, and it must be applied using common sense and fairness. Troop 324 does not permit corporal punishment or hazing of any kind, nor does it allow discipline through punitive physical exercise. For more serious offenses, the Troop may use probation, suspension and expulsion.


Probation is a period of evaluation both by the troop and by the scout under probation to determine fitness or desire to remain in the troop. A scout under probation may not normally hold any troop leadership positions, and is generally barred from certain special troop activities, at the Scoutmaster’s discretion.


Suspension is the temporary loss of all membership privileges in the troop, typically for 3 to 6 months. A scout is not eligible for any advancement during the suspension period. A suspended scout may be readmitted at the conclusion, of the suspension period only after he has submitted a letter to the Troop Committee, signed by himself and his parents, stating his pledge to meet all troop standards fully. Suspension can be appealed to the Committee Board.


Expulsion is the permanent loss of all membership privileges in the troop. The Scoutmaster and Troop Committee, acting in concert, may permanently expel any member for any of the following activities:


*Illegal conduct, in or out of scouting

*Bullying, hazing, or harassment of another scout

*Elicit use of drugs or alcohol, in or out of scouting

*Stealing from another scout or the troop

*Misbehavior or refusal to abide by troop policies which is seriously detrimental to the welfare of the troop.


Tobacco and Alcohol

No scout may use any tobacco product nor consume any alcoholic beverages at any time. Adults must refrain from use of tobacco products in front of scouts (setting a good example), and they should particularly avoid smoking while driving. Troop 324 does not allow smoking during any scout meeting or ceremony. No adult may consume any alcoholic beverage on any troop activity where scouts are present.